
Upcoming DREAM BIG Workshops for February and March

Past Life Workshops

  • Are based on the principles of cause and effect, and the theory that your reactions and the way you respond to problems are based in the past
  • Often when you know the cause of the pathology you can generate a full release using Past Life therapy techniques
  • Past Life regression often has huge anxiety releasing results

The Workshop focuses on

  • Accessing Past lives to discover the roots of relationships, problems, fears, phobias, or other patterns that affect the present life
  • Karmic releasing and letting go
  • Accessing Past Lives to improve and help with success, skills, talents, motivation to improve the present life

DATE: please email for dates for February and March

TIME: 9.30am to 4pm

COST: R650 (Includes all materials, MP3, lunch and refreshments)

Happiness Workshops

  • Developing sub-conscious, practical, easy to use techniques to create and maintain a happier life
  • Managing stress/Managing your emotions
  • Gaining clarity on what makes you happy
  • Action plans to pursue what makes you happy

DATE: 13th February

TIME:  10am to 4pm

COST: R650 (Includes all materials, MP3, lunch and refreshments)


Stress Management Workshops

  • Are you feeling stressed, drained, overwhelmed?
  • Do you feel tired, or are often sick or lack motivation?
  • Stress is debilitating and has an a

This workshop will focus on:

  • Exploring and identifying the triggers that cause a stressful reaction
  • Healthy, easy to use techniques to deal with specific triggers daily
  • Ways of reducing overall stress

DATE: Please email for more information on dates in February/March

TIME: 9.30am to 3pm

COST: R550 (Includes all materials, MP3, lunch and refreshments)

For more information or to book your place on all workshops contact

  • Jann on 082566767 or
  • Natalie on 0744711071 or

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